07 Feb 2024

feedPlanet Plone - Where Developers And Integrators Write

PloneExpanse: Image scales wrongly regenerating

I had a problem with my Frankenstein stack of Plone 4 with various bits (core libraries) upgraded on it. Here's a description of my bug: When I upload an image and try to use it in a Volto block that referenced its image scales download url (such as @@images/<random-uuid4>.jpg) the image URL didn't work, it resulted in 404 error. When I reindexed the image in the catalog, then it worked. Now, the funky part is that I could reproduce the problem not only on my "doomed" Plone 4 stack, but also in the modern Plone 6 stack that we use for our main customer.

07 Feb 2024 6:06am GMT

29 Jan 2024

feedPlanet Plone - Where Developers And Integrators Write

PloneExpanse: Cleanup zc async

For my own reference, as I had to do a cleanup of zc.async tasks. The interface was too slow. # bin/zeo_client debug >>> queue = app._p_jar.root()['zc.async'][''] >>> from zc.async.queue import Queue >>> Queue.__init__(queue) >>> import transaction >>> transaction.commit() #for i in range(len(queue)): # queue.pull(0)

29 Jan 2024 1:11pm GMT

18 Oct 2023

feedPlanet Plone - Where Developers And Integrators Write

kitconcept GmbH: Plone Conference 2023 - Eibar

Group Photo Plone Conference 2023 in Eibar

The 2023 editon of the anual Plone conference happend from October 2nd to 8th in Eibar, Basque Country

The kitconcept team was present with 8 developers. Our team members gave plenty talks, keynotes and trainings.

kitconcept and friends dinner kitconcept and friends having team dinner


Two days filled with trainings. Free for all conference attendees. This offer is unique in the Plone community and kitconcept team members were the backbone of the trainings about how to use Plone 6. From deployment to development to deep insides into how Volto and Plone 6 works.

Alok Kumar, Jakob Kahl: Volto and React

Alok Kumar and Jakob Kahl did a two day training to help developers get started with Volto and React:


Check out their trainings online if you want to catch up:

Érico Andrei : Installing Plone

Our colleague Érico Andrei gave a training about installing Plone on Day 2, the 3rd of October


Víctor Fernandez de Alba, Tiberiu Ichim: Effective Volto

Víctor Fernandez de Alba is kitconcept CTO and the Volto Release Manager. Tiberiu Ichim is a Volto team member and one of the key contributors to Volto. They gave key insights into how to work effectively with Volto. If you have experience with Volto and you want to become a real pro, this is the training you should go to.



Day One

On day one, kitconcept team members presented two talks, including the main keynote of the day.

Keynote State of Plone

Team members Érico Andrei, Víctor Fernández de Alba and Timo Stollenwerk together with Maurits van Rees of Zest Software and Eric Steele of Salesforce presented the very first Keynote of the Conference titled "State of Plone".

Breaking boundaries: Plone as headless CMS by Víctor Fernández de Alba

Our colleague Víctor Fernández de Alba gave a presentation about the challenges faced by the Plone content management system in keeping up with modern frontend developments and the growing popularity of headless CMSs.

Breaking boundaries: Plone as headless CMS


Day Two

Day Two was a informative Day, packed with interesting Talks, Panels and Presentations.

Volto Team Meeting

Panel: The Future of Search in Plone, 2023 Edition

Timo Stollenwerk, Sally Kleinfeldt, Tiberiu Ichim,, Eric Steele, Eric Bréhault, Rikupekka Oksanen, Érico Andrei and Guido Stevens hosted a very interesting Panel about the Future of Search Algorithms in Plone.

This panel provided a brief history and modern examples of Plone search, followed by a discussion of what improvements are needed - both from a marketing and technical perspective. This topic was first discussed at the 2011 conference and it was interesting to see how opinions had changed.


Alok Kumar : Is your Volto addon developer friendly ?

Meanwhile, kitconcept frontend developer Alok Kumar held a Presentation about what makes a developer friendly Volto Addon, and how we as a developer ourselfes can improve on the way we develop addons for Volto.


Rob Gietema : How to build a site using Nick

Later in the afternoon kitconcept developer Rob Gietema held an intriguing Talk about Nick, a headless CMS written in Node.js and how easy it is to build a website with it.


David Glick : Tales from a production Plone Cluster

Following Rob, kitconcept Employee David Glick shared some Details and Stories on hosting large Plone sites in a Docker Swarm Cluster.


Érico Andrei : Unlocking the Power of plone.distribution : A Hands-On Guide

In this talk, Érico Andrei guided us through the feature-rich world of Plone Distributions.


Local sport showcase and party

In the evening CodeSyntax organized a showcase of different local sports, including stone lifting, wood chopping and wood sawing. Timo represented kitconcept in this together with Phillip Bauer of Starzel. After that we concluded the day with cold drinks and Pinxos at the conference party.

Timo and Phillip at work

Day 3

Day 3 was filled with quite technical presentations, providing Information on the Cutting Edge Technology Plone has to offer.

Fred van Dijk : How the Plone Foundation Ai.team manages its websites with CI/CD

On the third Day of the Plone Conference, kitconcept Employee Fred van Dijk shared the News on automating a plone Release and how to host and operate a small Docker Swarm cluster using Plone.


Víctor Fernández de Alba : volto-light-theme: Volto Theming, Reimagined

After a quick coffee break Víctor Fernández de Alba shared the progress on the Volto-Light-Theme and its inner workings.


Timo Stollenwerk : How we built the Website for the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in less than six months

CEO Timo Stollenwerk indulged us in the Story of the Challenges of migrating large, goverment-owned websites into a Plone project.


Érico Andrei : Testing your Plone codebase with Pytest

A little later in the afternoon, Érico Andrei presented us with a better, improved way to test Plone codebases.


Rohit Kumar : Workflow Manager with Volto

In his presentation Rohit Kumar shared the progress regarding implementing a visual workflow Manager in Volto.



The kitconcept team continues to drive innovation in the Plone community. Volto is the default frontend for Plone 6 and dominated the topics during the conference. We are happy to be part of such an amazing community.

18 Oct 2023 3:00pm GMT