20 Apr 2024

feedPlanet Debian

Bastian Venthur: Help needed: creating a WSDL file to interact with debbugs

I am upstream and Debian package maintainer of python-debianbts, which is a Python library that allows for querying Debian's Bug Tracking System (BTS). python-debianbts is used by reportbug, the standard tool to report bugs in Debian, and therefore the glue between the reportbug and the BTS.

debbugs, the software that powers Debian's BTS, provides a SOAP interface for querying the BTS. Unfortunately, SOAP is not a very popular protocol anymore, and I'm facing the second migration to another underlying SOAP library as they continue to become unmaintained over time. Zeep, the library I'm currently considering, requires a WSDL file in order to work with a SOAP service, however, debbugs does not provide one. Since I'm not familiar with WSDL, I need help from someone who can create a WSDL file for debbugs, so I can migrate python-debianbts away from pysimplesoap to zeep.

How did we get here?

Back in the olden days, reportbug was querying the BTS by parsing its HTML output. While this worked, it tightly coupled the user-facing presentation of the BTS with critical functionality of the bug reporting tool. The setup was fragile, prone to breakage, and did not allow changing anything in the BTS frontend for fear of breaking reportbug itself.

In 2007, I started to work on reportbug-ng, a user-friendly alternative to reportbug, targeted at users not comfortable using the command line. Early on, I decided to use the BTS' SOAP interface instead of parsing HTML like reportbug did. 2008, I extracted the code that dealt with the BTS into a separate Python library, and after some collaboration with the reportbug maintainers, reportbug adopted python-debianbts in 2011 and has used it ever since.

2015, I was working on porting python-debianbts to Python 3. During that process, it turned out that its major dependency, SoapPy was pretty much unmaintained for years and blocking the Python3 transition. Thanks to the help of Gaetano Guerriero, who ported python-debianbts to pysimplesoap, the migration was unblocked and could proceed.

In 2024, almost ten years later, pysimplesoap seems to be unmaintained as well, and I have to look again for alternatives. The most promising one right now seems to be zeep. Unfortunately, zeep requires a WSDL file for working with a SOAP service, which debbugs does not provide.

How can you help?

reportbug (and thus python-debianbts) is used by thousands of users and I have a certain responsibility to keep things working properly. Since I simply don't know enough about WSDL to create such a file for debbugs myself, I'm looking for someone who can help me with this task.

If you're familiar with SOAP, WSDL and optionally debbugs, please get in touch with me. I don't speak Pearl, so I'm not really able to read debbugs code, but I do know some things about the SOAP requests and replies due to my work on python-debianbts, so I'm sure we can work something out.

There is a WSDL file for a debbugs version used by GNU, but I don't think it's official and it currently does not work with zeep. It may be a good starting point, though.

The future of debbugs' API

While we can probably continue to support debbugs' SOAP interface for a while, I don't think it's very sustainable in the long run. A simpler, well documented REST API that returns JSON seems more appropriate nowadays. The queries and replies that debbugs currently supports are simple enough to design a REST API with JSON around it. The benefit would be less complex libraries on the client side and probably easier maintainability on the server side as well. debbugs' maintainer seemed to be in agreement with this idea back in 2018. I created an attempt to define a new API (HTML render), but somehow we got stuck and no progress has been made since then. I'm still happy to help shaping such an API for debbugs, but I can't really implement anything in debbugs itself, as it is written in Perl, which I'm not familiar with.

20 Apr 2024 11:45am GMT

19 Apr 2024

feedPlanet Debian

Louis-Philippe Véronneau: Montreal's Debian & Stuff - March 2024

Time really flies when you are really busy you have fun! Our Montréal Debian User Group met on Sunday March 31st and I only just found the time to write our report :)

This time around, 9 of us we met at EfficiOS's offices1 to chat, hang out and work on Debian and other stuff!

Here is what we did:








Here are pictures of the event. Well, one picture (thanks Tassia!) of the event itself and another one of the crisp Italian lager I drank at the bar after the event :)

People at the event working around a long table A glass of beer illuminated by sunlight

  1. Maintainers, amongst other things, of the great LTTng.

19 Apr 2024 9:45pm GMT

feedPlanet Lisp

Joe Marshall: Plaformer Game Tutorial

I was suprised by the interest in the code I wrote for learning the platformer game. It wasn't the best Lisp code. I just uploaded what I had.

But enough people were interested that I decided to give it a once over. At https://github.com/jrm-code-project/PlatformerTutorial I have a rewrite where each chapter of the tutorial has been broken off into a separate git branch. The code is much cleaner and several kludges and idioticies were removed (and I hope none added).

19 Apr 2024 9:01pm GMT

feedPlanet Debian

Reproducible Builds (diffoscope): diffoscope 265 released

The diffoscope maintainers are pleased to announce the release of diffoscope version 265. This version includes the following changes:

[ Chris Lamb ]
* Ensure that tests with ">=" version constraints actually print the
  corresponding tool name. (Closes: reproducible-builds/diffoscope#370)
* Prevent odt2txt tests from always being skipped due to an impossibly new
  version requirement. (Closes: reproducible-builds/diffoscope#369)
* Avoid nested parens-in-parens when printing "skipping…" messages
  in the testsuite.

You find out more by visiting the project homepage.

19 Apr 2024 12:00am GMT

14 Apr 2024

feedPlanet Lisp

Paolo Amoroso: Testing the Practical Common Lisp code on Medley

When the Medley Interlisp Project began reviving the system around 2020, its Common Lisp implementation was in the state it had when commercial development petered out in the 1990s, mostly prior to the ANSI standard.

Back then Medley Common Lisp mostly supported CLtL1 plus CLOS and the condition system. Some patches submitted several years later to bring the language closer to CLtL2 needed review and integration.

Aside from these general areas there was no detailed information on what Medley missed or differed from ANSI Common Lisp.

In late 2021 Larry Masinter proposed to evaluate the ANSI compatibility of Medley Common Lisp by running the code of popular Common Lisp books and documenting any divergences. In March of 2024 I set to work to test the code of the book Practical Common Lisp by Peter Seibel.

I went over the book chapter by chapter and completed a first pass, documenting the effort in a GitHub issue and a series of discussion posts. In addition I updated a running list of divergences from ANSI Common Lisp.


Part of the code of the book is contained in the examples in the text and the rest in the downloadable source files, which constitute some more substantial projects.

To test the code on Medley I evaluated the definitions and expressions at a Xerox Common Lisp Exec, noting any errors or differences from the expected outcomes. When relevant source files were available I loaded them prior to evaluating the test expressions so that any required definitions and dependencies were present. ASDF hasn't been ported to Medley, so I loaded the files manually.

Adapting the code

Before running the code I had to apply a number of changes. I filled in any missing function and class definitions the book leaves out as incidental to the exposition. This also involved adding appropriate function calls and object instantiations to exercise the definitions or produce the expected output.

The source files of the book needed adaptation too due to the way Medley handles pure Common Lisp files.

Skipped code

The text and source files contain also code I couldn't run because some features are known to be missing from Medley, or key dependencies can't be fulfilled. For example, a few chapters rely on the AllegroServe HTTP server which doesn't run on Medley. Although Medley does have a XNS network stack, providing the TCP/IP network functions AllegroServe assumes would be a major project.

Some chapters depend on code in earlier chapters that uses features not available in Medley Common Lisp, so I had to skip those too.


Having completed the first pass over Practical Common Lisp, my initial impression is Medley's implementation of Common Lisp is capable and extensive. It can run with minor or no changes code that uses most basic and intermediate Common Lisp features.

The majority of the code I tried ran as expected. However, this work did reveal significant gaps and divergences from ANSI.

To account for the residential environment and other peculiarities of Medley, packages need to be defined in a specific way. For example, some common defpackage keyword arguments differ from ANSI. Also, uppercase strings seem to work better than keywords as package designators.

As for the gaps the loop iteration macro, symbol-macrolet, the #p reader macro, and other features turned out to be missing or not work.

While the incompatibilities with ANSI Common Lisp are relativaly easy to address or work around, what new users may find more difficult is understanding and using the residential environment of Medley.

Bringing Medley closer to ANSI Common Lisp

To plug the gaps this project uncovered Larry ported or implemented some of the missing features and fixed a few issues.

He ported a loop implementation which he's enhancing to add missing functionality like iterating over hash tables. Iterating over packages, which loop lacks at this time, is trickier. More work went into adding #p and an experimental symbol-macrolet.

Reviewing and merging the CLtL2 patches is still an open issue, a major project that involves substantial effort.

Future work and conclusion

When the new features are ready I'll do a second pass to check if more of the skipped code runs. Another outcome of the work may be the beginning of a test suite for Medley Common Lisp.

Regardless of the limitations, what the project highlighted is Medley is ready as a development environment for writing new Common Lisp code, or porting libraries and applications of small to medium complexity.

#CommonLisp #Interlisp #Lisp

Discuss... Email | Reply @amoroso@fosstodon.org

14 Apr 2024 10:51am GMT

02 Apr 2024

feedPlanet Lisp

Joe Marshall: You May Not Need That :around Method

I've seen this "anti-pattern" a few times in CLOS code. A superclass 'super will have a subclass 'sub and there will be a primary method specialized to the superclass.

(defmethod foo ((instance super) arg)
  (format t "~&Foo called on ~s." arg))

Then I'll see an :around method defined on the subclass:

(defmethod foo :around ((instance sub) arg)
  (format t "~&Start foo...~%")
  (format t "~&End foo.~%"))

The intent here is clearly that code in the method specialized on the subclass is invoked "around" the call to the method specialized on the superclass.

But the :around qualifier is not necessary and probably doesn't do what is intended. If we remove the :around qualifier, then the most specific primary method will be the foo method specialized on 'sub. And the (call-next-method) invokation will chain up to the foo method specialized on 'super. It will work as was likely intended.

:around methods are useful when the superclass wants to run a method "around" the subclass. :around methods are combined from least specific to most specific - the opposite order of primary methods - so that the superclass can wrap the call to the subclass. An good example of where an :around method would be handy is when you need to sieze a lock around the call to the method. The superclass would sieze the lock in an :around method that would run before any of the subclass primary methods ran.

Ordinary chaining of methods doesn't need the :around qualifier. Just chain the methods.

02 Apr 2024 4:25am GMT

06 Feb 2024

feedFOSDEM 2024

Video transcoders churning away

FOSDEM is over, but our video infrastructure is still working hard! This year, there were 855 events in rooms where the FOSDEM video team had equipment to stream, record, and publish everything, for a total of 365 scheduled hours of content. Postprocessing that much video is a massive task that takes quite a bit of effort; for this reason, since the 2017 edition, we have crowdsourced most of the manual work that needs to happen for this postprocessing to the devroom organizers and the speakers, as explained in this talk at FOSDEM 2019. As of this writing, out of those舰

06 Feb 2024 11:00pm GMT

27 Jan 2024

feedFOSDEM 2024

Call for volunteers

With FOSDEM just a few days away, it is time for us to enlist your help. Every year, an enthusiastic band of volunteers make FOSDEM happen and make it a fun and safe place for all our attendees. We could not do this without you. This year we again need as many hands as possible, especially for heralding during the conference, during the buildup (starting Friday at noon) and teardown (Sunday evening). No need to worry about missing lunch at the weekend, food will be provided. Would you like to be part of the team that makes FOSDEM tick?舰

27 Jan 2024 11:00pm GMT

18 Jan 2024

feedFOSDEM 2024

FOSDEM junior

2024 will be the first year there will be a FOSDEM junior track, organizing workshops for children 7-17. Developers from the FOSS Educational Programming Languages devroom will be organizing workshops for children from 7 - 17 with the help of CoderDojo. At FOSDEM, volunteers from CoderDojo International, CoderDojo Netherlands, and CoderDojo Belgium will be helping during the workshops. There will be workshops from MicroBlocks, Snap!, Zim, MIT App Inventor, Raspberry Pi, Hedy, and CoderDojo. For these workshops, you will need to get a free ticket. Visit https://fosdem.org/2024/schedule/track/junior and click on the workshop of your choice. On the workshop page, you舰

18 Jan 2024 11:00pm GMT