12 Sep 2024
The State of ES5 on the Web - Some of the earlier JavaScript build tools focused on allowing developers to write modern JavaScript code that could still run on the browsers of the time by compiling code down to ES5. Time has moved on, but have the tools or popular libraries? Philip investigates, and shares some recommendations.
Philip Walton
π The Top 5000 npm Packages by Size, Downloads, and Traffic - An interesting Google Sheets spreadsheet listing the top 5000 npm packages by package size, weekly downloads, and weekly traffic. One package is responsible for 278 terabytes of traffic per week, but the top 5000 add up to several petabytes.
Google Sheets / danhorus
Run GitHub Actions Up to 2x Faster at Half the Cost - Blacksmith runs your GitHub Actions substantially faster by running them on modern gaming CPUs. Integrating Blacksmith is a one-line code change. 100+ companies like Ashby, Superblocks, and Slope use Blacksmith to help developers merge code faster.
Blacksmith sponsor
Announcing TypeScript 5.6 - The latest TypeScript has landed with full support for iterator helpers, support for arbitrary module identifiers, --noUncheckedSideEffectImports to import modules without importing any values, and more - all covered in the always thorough release post.
Daniel Rosenwasser (Microsoft)
Is PHP the New JavaScript? - I'm no real fan of PHP, but there's been a lot of discussion on social media around increased interest in PHP by developers who'd usually steer clear of it, largely thanks to Laravel. This post tells the basic story and explains what Laravel brings to the table.
Dave Kiss (Mux)
π Articles & Tutorials
Building the Same App Using Various Web Frameworks - A scientist at Amazon who usually works in Python with a minimum of JavaScript on the frontend wondered if a more modern web framework would suit him better in 2024. To try this out, he tried Next.js, SvelteKit, and the Python-flavored FastHTML.
Eugene Yan
React and FormData - FormData is ironically both the 'newest and yet oldest' standard for accessing form data. Here are some practical ways for using it with TypeScript.
Brad Westfall
π Orama 2.1 - Dependency-free, full-text and vector search engine for all JS runtimes, with typo tolerance, filters, facets, stemming, and more.
create-fastify 5.0 - Rapidly generate a Fastify project. It just takes npm init fastify app_name to get started.
file-type 19.5 - Detect the file type of a file, stream, or data. Now with WebVTT support.
TWGL.js 6.1 - Helpers for working with low-level WebGL from JS.
π¨ Chroma.js 3.1 - JavaScript color manipulation library.
Pixi.js 8.4 - Fast, flexible 2D WebGL renderer.
12 Sep 2024 12:00am GMT
05 Sep 2024
An SSR Performance Showdown - Fastify's Matteo Collina set out to find the current state of server-side rendering performance across today's most popular libraries. The first attempt faced negative feedback due to implementation issues, but the showdown has been improved and re-run.
Matteo Collina
Announcing Vue 3.5 - While v3.5 is a minor release, it's one Vue users will love, with big performance and memory usage improvements in its reactivity system. With no breaking changes, upgrade and watch memory consumption drop.
Evan You
WorkOS: The Modern Identity Platform for B2B SaaS - WorkOS is a modern identity platform for B2B SaaS, offering flexible and easy-to-use APIs to integrate SSO, SCIM, and RBAC in minutes instead of months. It's trusted by hundreds of high-growth startups such as Perplexity, Vercel, Drata, and Webflow.
WorkOS sponsor
Inside ECMAScript: JavaScript Standards Get an Extra Stage - After nine years of annual updates, TC39 has tweaked the process to make rolling out new features faster and smoother. The so-called 'Stage 2.7' has been around for a while, but this is a neat primer to what it represents.
Mary Branscombe (The New Stack)
π Articles & Tutorials
βΆ Behind the Scenes: The Making of VS Code - A detailed conversation with two of the popular editor's principal engineers on what makes it tick. VS Code is surely one of the world's most widely distributed JavaScript-powered apps.
Holland, Rieken and Pasero (Microsoft)
How to Use React Compiler - The compiler feature in React 19 is generating a lot of buzz - this "complete guide", as described by this author, covers much of what you'll need to get started.
Tapas Adhikary
Redwood v8.0 Released - A long standing, opinionated React & GraphQL (and/or RSC) full-stack framework that covers all the bases for professional dev teams with best-in-class tool support. v8.0 introduces a background jobs system, Docker support, and easier SSR and RSC setup.
Redwood Team
Tests Are Dead. Meticulous Is Here - Automatically creates & maintains E2E UI tests. Zero flakes. Backed by YC, CTO of GitHub, CPO of Adobe, CEO of Vercel.
Meticulous sponsor
Belt: A New Tool for Starting React Native Apps - A CLI tool for starting a new React Native app that takes various mundane decisions away from you and uses tooling and conventions established by a productive app development team.
Tinybase 5.2 - Powerful reactive data store for localβfirst apps. Now with Postgres support (which can even work in-browser!)
jsdoc-to-markdown 9.0 - Generate Markdown docs from JSDoc-annotated code.
LogTape 0.5 - No-dependency logging lib for Deno, Node, Bun & browsers.
Plasmo 0.89 - Imagine Next.js but for building browser extensions.
JsonTree.js 3.0 - Customizable tree views for JSON data.
Poku 2.6 - Cross-platform JavaScript test runner.
Faker 9.0 - Generate large amounts of fake data.
05 Sep 2024 12:00am GMT
29 Aug 2024
Rspack 1.0: The Rust-Powered JavaScript Bundler - Far from being 'yet another bundler' with its own approach and terminology to learn, Rspack prides itself on being webpack API and ecosystem compatible, while offering many times the performance. The team now considers it production ready and encourages you to try your webpack-based projects on it.
Rspack Contributors
Front-End System Design - Learn to create scalable, efficient user interfaces in this extensive video course by Evgennii Ray. Explore the box model, browser rendering, DOM manipulation, state management, performance and much more.
Frontend Masters sponsor
How to Create an NPM Package in 2024 - Sounds simple, but there are a lot of steps involved if you want to follow best practices, introduce useful tools, and get things just right. Matt Pocock walks through the process here, and there's a 14-minute screencast too, if you'd prefer to watch along.
Matt Pocock
π Articles & Tutorials
JavaScript Generators Explained - Jan was frustrated by the quality of documentation and articles explaining generators in JavaScript, and set out to explain things in a way that a more advanced developer could appreciate.
Jan Hesters
Implementing a React-a-Like from Scratch - While it's unlikely you'll actually want to do this, at least thinking about it can prove instructive as to what's going on in React's engine room.
Robby Pruzan
Bye Bye Bugs - Get 80% automated E2E test coverage for mobile and web apps in under 4 months with QA Wolf. With QA cycles complete in minutes (not days), bugs don't stand a chance. Schedule a demo.
QA Wolf sponsor
29 Aug 2024 12:00am GMT
22 Aug 2024
WorkOS: The Modern Identity Platform for B2B SaaS - WorkOS is a modern identity platform for B2B SaaS, offering flexible and easy-to-use APIs to integrate SSO, SCIM, and RBAC in minutes instead of months. It's trusted by hundreds of high-growth startups such as Perplexity, Vercel, Drata, and Webflow.
WorkOS sponsor
Node v22.7.0 (Current) Released - Node 22.6 let you strip types from source code, but now with --experimental-transform-types you can transform TypeScript-only syntax into JavaScript before running it too. Module syntax detection is now also enabled by default.
Rafael Gonzaga
Bun v1.1.25: Now Running at 1.29 Million Requests per Second - I'm having a little fun with the title, but the latest version of the JavaScriptCore-based JS runtime has added node:cluster support and uses this to demo a high level of HTTP throughput on a 'Hello World' example. Support for V8's C++ API has also landed - notable because Bun isn't V8-based.
Ashcon Partovi
π Articles & Tutorials
The Official Redux Essentials Tutorial, Redux - The long standing guide to how to use the popular Redux state container the right way with best practices has undergone a big reworking with TypeScript used throughout, new concepts added, and more coverage of RTK/React Toolkit features.
Redux Team
React is (Becoming) a Full-Stack Framework - Is React merely a frontend library? How does the backend fit in? The author shares his thoughts on what led him to start considering React as more of a full-stack solution.
Robin Wieruch
π Use Node? Check out the latest issue of Node Weekly, our sibling email about all things relating to Node.js - from tutorials and screencasts to news and releases. We do include some Node related items here in JavaScript Weekly, but we save most of it for there.
β Check out Node Weekly
22 Aug 2024 12:00am GMT
17 Jul 2024
Last February, we released the first beta of jQuery 4.0.0. We're now ready to release a second, and we expect a release candidate to come soonβ’. This release comes with a major rewrite to jQuery's testing infrastructure, which removed all deprecated or under-supported dependencies. But the main change that warranted a second beta was a β¦ Continue reading β
17 Jul 2024 2:03pm GMT
17 Apr 2024
jQuery's influence on the web will always be evident. When it was first introduced in 2006, jQuery became a fundamental tool for web developers almost immediately. It simplified JavaScript programming, making it easier to manipulate HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and much more. Since then, it has played and continues to play a major β¦ Continue reading β
17 Apr 2024 5:00pm GMT
06 Feb 2024
jQuery 4.0.0 has been in the works for a long time, but it is now ready for a beta release! There's a lot to cover, and the team is excited to see it released. We've got bug fixes, performance improvements, and some breaking changes. We removed support for IE<11 after all! Still, we expect disruption β¦ Continue reading β
06 Feb 2024 4:43pm GMT
28 Aug 2023
jQuery 3.7.1 has been released! This release fixes a regression from jQuery 3.6.0 that resulted in rounded dimensions for <tr /> elements in Chrome and Safari. Also, a (mostly) internal Sizzle method, jQuery.find.tokenize that was on the jQuery object was accidentally removed when we removed Sizzle in jQuery 3.7.0. That method has been restored. As β¦ Continue reading β
28 Aug 2023 1:40pm GMT
11 May 2023
jQuery 3.7.0 is now available! This release has it all: bug fixes, a new method, and a performance improvement! We even dropped our longtime selector engine: Sizzle. Or, I should say, we moved it into jQuery. jQuery no longer depends on Sizzle as a separate project, but has instead dropped its code directly into jQuery β¦ Continue reading β
11 May 2023 6:38pm GMT
08 Mar 2023
If you've been following along with recent jQuery releases, we have been working on how to address the recent addition of some new selectors in browsers, especially :has. jQuery 3.6.3 settled on the strategy of using native CSS.supports to determined whether a selector should be passed directly to querySelectorAll or instead go through jQuery's selector β¦ Continue reading β
08 Mar 2023 3:52pm GMT
20 Dec 2022
Last week, we released jQuery 3.6.2. There were several changes in that release, but the most important one addressed an issue with some new selectors introduced in most browsers, like :has(). We wanted to release jQuery 3.6.3 quickly because an issue was reported that revealed a problem with our original fix. More details on that β¦ Continue reading β
20 Dec 2022 9:35pm GMT
13 Dec 2022
You probably weren't expecting another release so soon, but jQuery 3.6.2 has arrived! The main impetus for this release was the introduction of some new selectors in Chrome. More on that below. As usual, the release is available on our cdn and the npm package manager. Other third party CDNs will probably have it soon β¦ Continue reading β
13 Dec 2022 3:13pm GMT
26 Aug 2022
jQuery 3.6.1 has been released! It's been a while since our previous release. We were looking at fixing some elusive edge cases related to focus and blur, but we never quite got the fix right. If there's any area of jQuery that's hard to change, it's likely related to focus somehow. We're leaving those as-is β¦ Continue reading β
26 Aug 2022 5:55pm GMT
07 Oct 2021
By: Michal Golebiowski-Owczarek, Felix Nagel, and the jQuery team Editor's Note: the following blog post was originally published to the OpenJS Foundation Blog. jQuery maintainers are continuing to modernize its overall project that still is one of the most widely deployed JavaScript libraries today. The team announced that the cross-platform jQuery Mobile project under its β¦ Continue reading β
07 Oct 2021 3:22pm GMT